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Ground tiles under buildings#

Added in version 1.8.58

Update 1.8.58 added a new feature to JSON called "ground tiles".

This will randomly select one ground tile in the given array and build it under the building. So for example, you want to make a building that has asphalt as it's ground you would simply add this line of JSON:

"ground tiles": ["$asphalt00", "$asphalt01", "$asphalt02"]

Also by adding a wide variety of grounds your building won't look too repetitive. You could also save plugin space by using this method if you use a variety of ground tiles for a variety of buildings.

\(\text{space} = \text{grounds} + \text{buildings}\)
Space you use when using the ground tile method (new method)

\(\text{space} = \text{grounds} \cdot \text{buildings}\)
Space you use adding the ground individually to each building (old method)

Make sure you do some quick maths since the ground tile method won't always save plugin space!

1 ground frame, 3 buildings

  • new method: 3 + 1 = 4 <-- uses more plugin space
  • old method: 3 * 1 = 3

3 ground frames, 4 buildings

  • new method: 3 + 4 = 7 <-- uses less plugin space
  • old method: 3 * 4 = 12

This is an example of how you would implement it in your JSON:

  // old method
    "id": "$ground_tile_example",
    "random frames": true,
    "frames": [
        {"bmp": "$example_building00"},
        {"bmp": "$example_building01"},
        {"bmp": "$example_building02"}

  // new method
  // this makes it more concise, yet much more readable
    "id": "$ground_tile_example",
    "draw ground": true,
    "frames": [{"bmp": "$example_building"}],
    "ground tiles": [ "$example_tile00", "$example_tile01", "$example_tile02" ]

This page has been adapted from a topic on the official TheoTown forum.